Dwell In You Richly

Do you ever get distracted? Our minds and attention are often filled with and distracted by many things. To-do lists, world events, family joys & sorrows, and pressures from this world that are too numerous to count. I would like for us to quiet the noise for a moment, and consider the Word of God. How should our lives be shaped by God’s word? You might think of the Bible as a list of you shall not murder, covet, steal and the like. Put another way, we can narrowly see the Bible as merely a rule book for how to live the Christian life.  You shall do this and not this. 

I would exhort us this morning to have a larger view of how our lives are to be shaped by God’s word. Specifically, God's word should dwell in us. Dwell means to live in; to keep house. We should live in God’s word. Just as we are familiar with where we store things in our home, we should be thoroughly acquainted with God’s word. We should know where to go in the Bible to hear what God has said about joy, sorrow, comfort, hope, and love. We should be so intimately acquainted with the scriptures that our mind thinks and operates in the context of God’s word. Our speech and prayers should overflow with biblical truths. Brothers and sisters: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Let God's word be at the center of our day; read, meditate and pray over it; so that the word of Christ dwells in us richly.

But brothers and sisters, God’s word is not meant to end with us. God does not intend for his word to be piled up in us like items in a storage unit. Rather, God intends for his word to vibrantly live in and be displayed by us. 

  • God’s word changed our hearts and renews our minds so that the truths of his word would be displayed by our deeds and proclaimed by our lips. 

  • God’s word guides our hearts to love God more because it reveals his character and reminds us that God is a promise keeping and faithful Father. 

  • God’s word directs our worship to proclaim the excellencies of God who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. 

  • God’s word helps us see all people as sinners in need of a savior, and reminds us that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. 

Brothers and sisters, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly so that your life is centered around God’s word and it overflows from you in worship of God and speaking truth in love to others.

You may be feeling right now a deep sense of conviction over how you have been neglecting God’s word. Or maybe you are seeing ways that you have stored up God’s word in your mind but not displayed it in your life or have failed to proclaim those truths to others. If so, I pray that God would not only convict your heart, but also help your heart yearn for the wonderful joy and delight that comes from the word of Christ dwelling in you richly. Our lives and our worship are fueled by God’s word. Our souls are nourished by God’s word. As the word of Christ dwells in us richly, the purpose of our life is more clear and fulfilling and the affections of our heart are more pure and delightful. 

Brothers and sisters, there is so much joy and delight in living our lives under and through God’s word. Remember these words of Christ: Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:29-30)


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