Run with Endurance
The idea of Endurance is a common theme we see throughout scripture. Perseverance, faithfulness, completing what was started, and making it to the end all incorporate the concept of endurance. The Christian life is often compared to participating in an endurance race, whether it be in Hebrews as the pastor exhorts his listeners to “run with endurance the race that is set before them” in Chapter 12, or Paul summarizing his own Christian walk to Timothy as he sees his death approaching, when he says he has “fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith” in 2 Timothy 4.
If you have ever participated in an endurance race such as a marathon or even a 5k, then you know some of the components that go into training and preparing your mind and body to accomplish this feat. It is ill advised to show up on race day having done no preparation, and expecting to perform well. It takes dedication and persistent training over time to develop the appropriate cardiovascular fitness, the familiarity with your most efficient cadence and rhythm, and the mental toughness to press on when fatigue sets in and the finish line is still a long way off. One of our family traditions over the years has been to participate in the Thanksgiving morning 5k Turkey Trot in Gruene when we go down to New Braunfels to see family. The last couple of years, Kaleb and Eliza, my now 10 and 8 year olds, have run the race with Lesley and I. The first year they participated it was fascinating to watch them learn on the fly how to run an endurance race. It took a lot of coaching and encouragement, such as instructing them not to sprint at the start because they would soon grow tired and not be able to complete the entire course. It was hard for them to maintain consistency, as they frequently changed pace getting ahead and then falling behind. The look of shock in their eyes when they asked if we were almost to the finish line only to be told that it was only Mile 1 and we still had 2 more miles to go, and the realization that this was going to be more challenging than they anticipated. But, oh the excitement and joy they expressed upon crossing the finish line, knowing they had persevered to the end and completed the race.
Christian, our daily spiritual walks often share these same difficulties. We struggle with consistency in our spiritual disciplines as excitement wears off and fatigue sets in. We become frustrated when the results and improvements from our efforts are not as noticeable and evident as we hoped. We become discouraged as we grow weary and the finish line is still a long way off. So how do we persevere? How do we train ourselves to be able to run with endurance? The answer is found in the next verse of Hebrews 12. After we are exhorted to run with endurance, the next verse gives us the how… “looking to Jesus”. We fix our eyes on the finish line and the joy that lies before us. We look on Jesus and to His example, setting aside the distractions of this world and turning from the sin that weighs us down and causes us to stumble. We lean on the encouragement and accountability of our brothers and sisters who are running alongside us, desiring that none of us would abandon the course, but that we would all cross the finish line together. Christian, run with endurance, looking unto Jesus, for the joy set before you.