The Peace of Christ
What peace do we need? Henry David Thereau was a 19th century American philosopher whose core beliefs were focused on individualism rather than faith in God. On his deathbed, Thereau was asked by his Christian aunt if he had made peace with God. Thereau’s reply: “I did not know we had ever quarreled.” Before I was saved by grace through faith in Christ, my response to the aunt’s question would have been very similar. I did not know that God and I were at odds to the point that peace needed to be made.
The reality is we all need peace with God. My exhortation to anyone here this morning that does not know Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior is to repent and believe in Jesus. Friend, we are all born at odds with God. We can not please God because we can not perfectly love and obey him. But praise God that through the atoning death of Christ, you can have peace with God. By turning away from your sin, confessing them to God, and turning to Christ in faith, the punishment your sins deserve are paid by Jesus’ sacrifice and your sins are forgiven. If you have never put your faith in Christ, I exhort you this morning to repent and believe in Jesus. Romans 5 makes clear that through faith in Jesus you can have peace with God: Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Now, for all here who are new creations in Christ I ask the same question: What peace do we need? Brothers and sisters, praise God that through the atoning death of Christ on our behalf we have peace with God. All of our sins have been nailed to the cross and there is no condemnation for all who are in Christ Jesus. But there is a peace that should be ruling every day and every aspect of our lives. My exhortation to believers this morning is from Colossians 3:15, Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
Brothers and sisters, we have been given so much more than just the verdict of forgiveness. We have been given the gift of Jesus himself! Let the peace of Christ rule your hearts. This peace of Christ is an attitude of rest and security that we possess because Christ dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. This peace of Christ is a sense of wholeness and completeness that we are to let rule over the attitudes and actions of our hearts.
Brothers and sisters, left alone our hearts seek to make peace with the world, the flesh and Satan. So rather than letting the stress of relationships, the pain of the holidays, the demands of work, or peace and comfort in this world rule our hearts; let the peace of Christ rule our hearts. Colossians 3:15 is calling us to let the peace of Christ continually decide and have supreme command over the attitudes and decisions of our hearts. Brothers and sisters, I can think of no greater peace for our souls than to let the peace of Christ rule our hearts.