“Tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD.” Psalm 78:4


Welcome to Emmaus Church ! It is a joy to have you join us for Sunday worship, and we are especially thankful that you would entrust your children to us through our Kid’s Ministry. At the outset we want you to know that coming alongside you in your efforts to teach your children about Christ is our top priority. We firmly believe that each parent has been entrusted with the call to pass the faith onto their children, and we want to support you in this calling. 

In Emmaus Tots and Emmaus Kids, we love to have fun. Your child(ren) will enjoy games and activities that will engage them even as they hear deep truths rooted in the Word of God. This is our ministry passion and goal: that every child might know God and grow in loving Him as we show Jesus to them from all of Scripture!

6-months to Pre-K

Young children learn best by doing! Emmaus Tots is centered around the Word of God in an interactive way. Each week, volunteers are able to teach tots about who God is, about His Word and His world through reading stories, interactive play, and Bible-based coloring sheets.


A quiet, private room is available for mothers who are nursing or pumping, or who just need a separate space to meet her child’s needs. This room has a couch, boppy pillows with clean covers, and a crib with clean sheets. If you would like to be shown to this space, please ask one of the Emmaus Kids Team Members on Sunday!


Kinder - 3rd Grade

Each week, Emmaus Kids volunteers will teach a lesson rooted in Scripture from The Gospel Story Bible, do an interactive activity that relates to the story, and can choose from employing coloring sheets, games or short movies to help illustrate the lesson.


Check-In and Check-Out

Check-in for Emmaus Tots begins 15 minutes prior to the start of service. At the check-in table, you will be greeted by a volunteer who will check in your children and hand you a printed label for your children that includes their name and what class they’re in. If you are a visitor, a team member will assist you with registering your child. All children must be checked in to participate. First time visitors are required to register their children if they want their children to participate in children's ministry.

Emmaus Kids sit in service with their families until right before the sermon. When the preacher gets up to preach he will dismiss K-3rd grades for Emmaus Kids.

When picking up your child at any time during or after the service, you will be asked to show the teacher your corresponding parent label to ensure it matches the child’s label. We encourage parents to pick up their children immediately after the service in order for our volunteers to clean and sanitize the area.


The Gospel Story Curriculum teaches children that the Bible is one continuous story pointing to Jesus as the hero. Designed to span three years, the 156 lessons present key stories from Genesis to Revelation, each highlighting God's plan of redemption in a way that's engaging, interactive, and easy to understand.

After learning the Bible story in each lesson, the curriculum shares how each story connects to the bigger picture of the gospel, tying Jesus into each lesson.

When used throughout their childhood education, this unique curriculum helps children explore the same Bible stories at three different learning levels. Best-selling author Marty Machowski presents the material in a fresh way for each age group, allowing children to see the Bible through a lens of redemptive history and build on their knowledge each time they journey through the Bible. This also allows families to talk together about what the children learned that week in class.

  • Children are introduced to God's big plan of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    Each lesson equips teachers to bring Christ to preschoolers with the help of a lesson snapshot, simple object lessons, coloring sheets, and easy-to-follow instructions

  • Lessons take a more detailed look at how each of these Bible stories connects to the gospel.

    Through age-appropriate object lessons, activities, and coloring sheets, teachers can help children see Christ in the Old and New Testament.

  • Reviewing the now-familiar Bible stories, older children will gain a deeper understanding of redemption in Christ as they begin to study Scripture for themselves.

    The developing minds of upper elementary children are challenged to search the Bible through engaging activities and utilize new activities and object lessons designed on their age level.

Security and Safety

We take the safety of children in our care very seriously. We have members who monitor areas near designated child care rooms to ensure your child is secure and protected. In addition, the team member at the check-in desk ensures no children leave the space without supervision. These volunteers are present throughout the service. Children are only dismissed from their class when a parent shows that the number on their parent label matches the number on the child’s sticker.

We also have a designated Safety Team member assigned to the children’s hallway throughout service.

You can find our Protection Policy and Policies and Procedures documents below.