Delight Yourself in the Lord

God has made us to delight. We could say this is one of the core attributes of our human nature. We all seek to delight in something; to be pleased greatly by something.  Our hearts and minds seek out things to delight in, and left to ourselves, we will fill our life with things we delight in. 

We should realize something. God has given us this desire to delight.  Too often we think that God wants our hearts to be constrained. We think that God’s plan is for our hearts to be cold and joyless so we will more easily follow his ways. 

Brothers and sisters we need to wake up. God has made us to delight. God wants us to seek out and pursue joy. God wants us to live a joyful life and God wants the desires of our heart to be fulfilled. And God knows the greatest desires of our hearts will be fulfilled and the greatest joy in our life comes when we delight ourselves in the Lord.

Psalm 37:4 | Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

My exhortation for us this morning is to delight in the Lord. God made our hearts to delight ultimately in him. Why? Because when we delight in God the most perfect union takes place; God is glorified and we fulfill our chief end which is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Brothers and sisters, the great goal of our life and the yearning of our heart is to delight in the Lord. Also, one of the greatest desires of God is for us to delight in him.

Brothers and sisters, we need to hear Psalm 37:4 again: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Some of you this morning may be thinking, thanks for the reminder. You can recall times even this week when you were delighting in the Lord. Maybe during a sweet time of prayer or devotion. Or maybe just a clear fulfillment of God’s good plan for your week. To you, I say you are welcome for the reminder and praise God that you are encouraged. And that end I say to you, delight in the Lord. 

Some of you this morning may be feeling a sense of grief and sorrow. You may be mourning what feels like a great loss of joy. You are discouraged because you are not delighting in God right now. Brother or sister, I do not know all that you have or are currently walking through, but to you I say: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Brothers and sisters, in times of despair, remember God’s character. Recall God’s goodness. Embrace God’s steadfast love and know that you have a portion in God. You have a seat at his table and have been folded into his family.

Brothers and sisters, regardless of where your heart is this morning, all of us need to be reminded to delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


Building One Another Up


Pathways to Rest and Joy