Pathways to Rest and Joy

1 John 5:3 reads: "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome."

This verse helps us to see that love for God must be connected with obedience to God. This by itself could be used to exhort us this morning. And yet, in the wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John speaks to a temptation that has been a struggle from the Garden of Eden to today. And that is the temptation to view God's commandments as burdens. We are tempted to believe the lie that God’s commands are things that weigh us down, things that wear us out, and things that keep us from experiencing life and joy. 

We believe this explicitly in different ways. We can think God’s call to obedience comes at a burdensome time. We say we love God’s perfect timing until He’s calling us to patience while waiting in traffic; or when His timing is not in line with our plans. 

But we can also think that God has burdened us through specific commandments. When this happens, the commands of God, things like giving and serving, can be viewed as burdensome things we have to do, instead of joyous things we get to do.

But Christian, remember that God's commandments are not burdensome. Jesus in Matthew 11 gives us a stunning image that shows us that following Him and walking in His commandments is the opposite of burdensome.

In Matthew 11:28-30, he says, 28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Our great desire in following God’s commands is to know Jesus and grow to be like Him. Therefore, as we walk the pathway with Christ, as we take His yoke upon us, as we walk according to God’s word and His commands, we walk the pathway of rest and freedom and joy for our souls.

Instead of God’s commandments adding burdens to us, they give rest to those who are already burdened under the weight of sin. Instead of being a weight, they ease the weight upon us, and allow us to run with endurance the race set before us.

God’s commandments are not burdensome. Therefore, Christian, fight for obedience to God’s commands remembering that they are the pathways by which we grow in Christ, and therefore are pathways to rest and joy.


Delight Yourself in the Lord


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